Subramanya Karavalambam Lyrics with English meaning. Starting with lyrics Hey Swaminatha Karunakara Deena Bandho, the stotra is also known as Subramanya Ashtakam Karavalamba Stotram and Swaminatha Karavalambam. The stotra is composed by Sri Guru Adi Shankaracharya in praise of Hindu god Muruga. Each stanza ends with the prayer asking Vallisa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambam, which means Murugan to extend a hand of support and save the devotee.
Subramanya Karavalambam Lyrics & Meaning
Hey Swaminatha Karunakara Deena Bandho,
Sree Paravatheesa Mukha Pankaja Padma Bandho,
Sreesadhi Deva Gana Poojitha Pada Padma,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 1
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who is the chief of gods, who is merciful,
Who is friend of the oppressed,
Who is the son of the lotus faced lord of Goddess Parvathi,
And whose lotus feet is worshipped
By all gods and also by Lord of Goddess Lakshmi
Devadhi deva sutha , deva ganadhi nadha,
Devendra vandhya mrudu pankaja manju pada,
Devarshi narada muneendra sugeetha keerthe,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 2
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who is the son of God of gods, who is the chief of all gods,
Whose soft lotus like feet is worshipped by Devendra,
And whose fame is sung by deva sage Narada and others
Nithyanna Dana Nirathakhila Roga Harin,
Bhagya Pradhana Paripooritha Bhaktha Kama,
Sruthyagama Pranava Vachya Nija Swaroopa,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 3
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who gives food daily in charity, who cures all prevalent diseases,
Who bestows luck , who fulfills all wishes of devotees,
And whose real form is the pranava given in Vedas
Krouncha Surendra Parigandana Sakthi Soola,
Chapa Thi Sasthra Parimanditha Divya Panai,
Sree Kundaleesa Drutha Thunda Sikheendra Vaha,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 4
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who is the Lord of mountains, who holds,
Shakthi, Soola, bow and arrows in his holy hands,
Who wears ear rings and who rides the fast moving peacock
Devadhi Deva Radha Mandala Madhya Methya,
Devendra Peeda Nagaram Druda Chapa Hastha,
Sooram Nihathya Sura Kotibhiradyamana,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 5

Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who is the god o gods,
Who rides the central Chariot among a group of chariots,
Who prevents problems for Devendra,
Who can send arrows very fast,
And who by killing Sura became,
The object of adulation of billions of devas.
Heeradhi Rathna Vara Yuktha Kireeda Hara,
Keyura kundala lasath kavachabhirama,
Hey Veera Tharaka Jayaa Amara Brunda Vandhya,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 6
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who wears crowns and chains with diamonds and gems,
Who wears armlet, ear rings and strong armour,
And who is the valorous one who killed Tharaka,
And was saluted by the groups of devas
Panchaksharadhi Manu Manthritha Ganga Thoyai,
Panchamruthai Praudhithendra Mukhair Muneendryai,
Pattabhishiktha Maghavatha Nayasa Nadha,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 7
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who was crowned as their leader by Indra,
With the chanting of the holy five letters,
With the bathing of the holy water of Ganga,
After strengthening it further by holy chants,
And who was anointed with the five holy nectars,
By very learned and holy sages
Sree Karthikeya Karunamrutha Poorna Drushtya,
Kamadhi Roga Kalushi Krutha Drushta Chitham,
Sikthwa Thu Mamava Kala Nidhi Koti Kantha,
Valleesa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambham 8
Extend a hand of support, Oh Lord of Valli,
Who is known as Karthikeya , who with his ,
Fully nectar like looks of mercy cures,
Passion, diseases and mind which has made been dirty
Who is the treasure house of arts and
Who shines like billions of suns
Phala Stuti
Subrahmanyashtakam Punyam Yeh Padanthi Dwijothama,
They Sarve Mukthimayanthi Subrahmanya Prasadatha,
Subrahmanyashtakamidham Prathar Uthaya Ya Padeth,
Kodi Janma Krutham Papam Thath Kshanad Thasya Nasyathi.
The twice born who reads this octet on Subrahmanya,
Would attain salvation by the grace of Lord Subrahmanya,
And for him who reads this octet on Subrahmanya , as soon as,
He gets up in the morning , the sins committed in billons,
Of previous births will vanish in a second.